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Biotechnology is the future for farming

Biotechnology is the future for farming

biotechnology farming

OPINION – Thomas Hall, Agtech and Logistics Hub Director

Biotechnology will be a major player in developing more sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices in the future.

Did you know some synthetic pesticides are being banned or restricted in various countries due to concerns over their impact on human health and the environment?

After implementing bans, some countries have encouraged farmers to adopt alternative methods of pest control, such as integrated pest management and biopesticides.

Recently, the Agtech and Logistics Hub travelled to Europe to look at the biopesticides and biostimulants sector. We were invited to observe cutting edge trials of new biopesticides. These products are pest control agents derived from natural materials such as plants, bacteria, and minerals used to also stimulate the growth of plants. They are used to control a variety of pests, including insects, weeds, and plant diseases.

Unlike synthetic pesticides, biopesticides are typically less toxic and have fewer environmental impacts. The trial results were very impressive and showed extremely effective control of targeted pests while not harming beneficial insects.

However, the big mover in agriculture was the rise of biostimulants. These products utilise chemistry derived from botany, microbiology, microalgae and green science to enhance plant growth and health, improve soil fertility, and increase crop yields.

Biotechnology is gaining great traction due to aligning strongly with ESG principles by promoting environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and good governance in agriculture.

The Hub is working closely with many biotech companies to solve challenges faced by the industry. A good example of this is a very effective plant growth regulator used in agriculture to enhance the growth and flowering of grapevines, fruit and nut trees.

It is being banned in many countries due to concerns over its potential environmental impact and potential health effects. Without this effective product the farmers stand to lose huge yields from their crops.

The Hub has been looking at many types of technology to help solve this challenge, including visiting one of Europe’s leading biotech companies, Kimitec, to look at a solution called Invierna. The trials and validation were so convincing the Hub will facilitate a trial of Invernia in Australia and New Zealand this year to check performance in Australian conditions.

With ESG becoming such a focus of the agricultural industry, biotechnology will play an important role in helping farmers develop more sustainable practices.

In terms of social factors, the use of biotechnology can help improve the health and safety of farm workers who are often exposed to the harmful effects of synthetic pesticides. Biotechnology also has lower toxicity levels, reducing the risk of harm to humans and wildlife.

In terms of governance, the use of biotechnology is regulated in many countries, and their approval and registration processes are based on scientific evaluations and public policy considerations. This helps ensure products like biopesticides are used in a safe and responsible manner.

The biopesticides and biostimulant market is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, and it is evident a chorus of major agricultural research and development companies have been investing in biopesticides including some major players in AgChem. These companies and others are investing due to growing demand from farmers for more sustainable and eco-friendly pest control options, as well as the increasing regulatory restrictions on the use of synthetic pesticides.

Driven by the increasing demand for sustainable agriculture practices and the need to feed a growing global population, biotechnology will be a major disruptor in traditional pest and weed control.

This piece was originally published in the March edition of Queensland Farmer Today 


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